Tungiasis Elimination Project
- The project aims at elimination of Tungiasis as a Public Health Hazard using an innovative Treatment Approach: A Community-based One Health Intervention in Uganda
- IFOTRODE targets a population of approximately 14,000 people spread over seventeen villages in three parishes in Ngoleriet sub county, Napak District, Uganda.
- At baseline, the prevalence and intensity of tungiasis as well as mobility impairment associated with tungiasis was determined in all communities and all schools in the area. After 12, 24 and 36 months of intervention, a reassessment of these measures will be performed in an identical manner. To assess the impact of health education, tungiasis-associated knowledge and many other related community response issues will be assessed once every year.
- Each case of tungiasis, in both humans and animals, and its characteristics is documented using a specially developed Application for mobile phones.
- Napak district was selected for the project because tungiasis occurred in all communities in which prevalence and tungiasis-associated morbidity were apparently very high, hitherto no kind of health activities had ever been implemented by locally active NGOs. The Napak District and local leaders and health stakeholders expressed their firm wish that the project is carried out and confirmed that they are willing to support the project to the best of their ability.